

Body Love

My Top 5 Travel Hacks: How to feel well & zen while you travel

Summer is here and for many of us that means we will be travelling. Since moving to Turks and Caicos, I fly a lot (aside from a boat it’s the only way off the island!) And I have adopted many travel tips to maintain my wellness so I can be at my best and enjoy […]



How To Create Your Own Spiritual Practice & Why It’s Essential

I believe that developing a daily spiritual practice is the cornerstone to health. Why? Because taking the time to daily tune-in and connect with yourself sharpens your intuition, calms the mind and the body and helps to create a sense of peace and positivity in one’s life – even in the midst of stress. The […]


Body Love

The Health Benefits of Green Tea

I’m a big fan of green tea and have been for years. It’s tastes yummy, of course, but what I love even more is the fact that when I am enjoying a cup of green tea, I am also absorbing all kinds of disease fighting goodness! Green tea is a powerhouse superfood. It has a […]



Simplify Your Life: My 7 Day Simplicity Challenge

Over the last few months I’ve used several tips and tools to help inspire me and today I want to share my favourites and challenge you to implement them over the course of one week through my 7 Day Simplicity Challenge. I promise it will inspire change! Now, to be clear, I’m not just talking about […]



Creating Space for You to Show Up in Your Life

A mentor of mine would often quote Aristotle by saying, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” I took me a while to understand this quote and what my mentor was trying to tell me. Once I got it, it was life changing. Literally.   One thing I have discovered is that you need to make space for the […]


hey there!

I'm Maryska

I'm a Naturopathic Doctor, Healer and Intuitive Guide teaching women a new way to view their health so they can reclaim their power and heal. 

After over 20 years of study, working with women just like you, and navigating my own health journey, I've developed a unique healing methodology I call, The Art of Living. It's the tried and true backbone of all my coaching programs helping women transform their lives.

want to

feel more 

Grounded and calm?


I've got you! Give me 7 minutes of your time and I'll show you how resilient your body is! Click below to get your free Earth Connect Meditation. 


want to

feel more 

Grounded and calm?


I've got you! Give me 7 minutes of your time and I'll show you how resilient your body is. Click below to get your free Earth Connect Meditation. 





Empowering conversations on women's health including hormonal balance, restoring your metabolism, healing your gut, skin and nervous system, beating overwhelm and so much more!